Intrepid Teachers 120 Hours Online TEFL Course

Looking to learn what makes a great TEFL teacher?                                                                                                          Would you like to further your knowledge of teaching English? This course is for you!

Why Study With Intrepid Teachers?

Internationally recognised TEFL certification

A unique course that has been written by TEFL experts and is designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to teach.

It is one of the most up-to-date TEFL courses and is very relevant to the teaching market today

Unlike many online courses the Intrepid Teachers TEFL use a blend of video and text to facilitate the learning process

Completely online so you can do it from the comfort of your own home around other commitments

Unlike most online courses we have real tutor support, our expert tutors are available throughout the week to help you, guide you and mark your assignments (no auto-marking on your assignments with us)

Connect with other trainee teachers via our online forum.  It can really enhance your learning experience when you can chat with other people on the course.

A popular Guided Observation unit where you watch real-life teachers in action

Start anytime – once you have registered you can start learning immediately

Course content:

There are 6 mandatory units

Unit 1: Principles of English Language Teaching, Teaching Techniques and an introduction to lesson planning

Unit 2: Grammatical Awareness along with teaching grammar and vocabulary

Unit 3: Building a lesson plan: Using Games, Practice, and Production (teaching aids)

Unit 4: Teaching receptive and productive skills: incorporating technology to develop these skills in the classroom

Unit 5: Learners and Learning (motivation, needs, and classroom management): Guided Observations

Unit 6: Recycle and Review: End of Course Assessment and further reading


There are mini-assessments throughout the course, 2 written assessments to complete and an end of course assessment

It may seem like a lot but that is what makes us different to many courses out there, we want you to learn as much as you can to make you the best teacher you can be. It’s not just about the certificate at the end, it’s about the knowledge you pick up on the way!


The minimum age to take our course is 18-years old.  Whilst anybody is able to take our 120-hour Online TEFL Course please keep in mind that in order to be offered work in most countries the following are often a minimum requirement:

  • A degree
  • Be a native or near-native English speaker
  • Valid passport holder
  • Hold a recognized and accredited TEFL Qualification
  • Have no criminal convictions

TEFL Course Costs

To ensure that we can give you what you need, we offer some different options when it comes to the online course and some different add ons.

  • Unlimited access to the course and your hard copy certificate sent on completion of the course – £300

With most online courses you have 6 months to complete your course and once you complete the course you lose access to the learning material.  If you chose the Unlimited access option then we will keep your course access open indefinitely, allowing to go back to any learning points that you may need in the future.  We will also design, print and send your personalised certificate to you anywhere in the world

  • Regular access and have your hard copy certificate sent at the end of the course – £200

With this cost effective option then you have 6 months to complete your course, which can be extended to a year if you need it.  We will also send you the certificate out in the post, to anywhere in the world.

  • Regular access to the course and use the soft copy certificate generated on completion of the course – £95

The most economical option, here you will have access to the course for 6 months and you can use the system generated certificate to mark your success at completing the course.

Please do not forget that no matter which option you choose you will have the full support of an expert tutor and access to our recruitment service.

Do not delay – sign up today!

Click here to start your Intrepid Teachers TEFL course


Start your TEFL course today by following the 5 steps below:

  1. Click here (the webpage will open after a couple of seconds, please be patient)
  2. Follow the instructions for ‘is this your first time here?’
  3. You will receive an email with a confirmation link, confirm your email (either click on the link or copy and paste it into a browser)
  4. You will then be asked to make payment, you can use your Paypal account or if you prefer to use credit card then click on pay as a guest and this option will be available to you
  5. You will then have access to your TEFL course and can start studying

Accredited by ITEFLAC


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